(left: GRILLI Radio Tour, right: “Light Rain” Installation)

Made it back from ISEA 2004 with lots to think about! Last nite we participated in the GRILLI Radio event where a group of ISEA folks went on a walking tour of local Helsinki “GRILLIs” (a mobile hamburger joint) and broadcasted the tour and walk over a mobile phone to a local radio station (pic above). Also finally got to try out Paul DeMarinis’ “Light Rain” project where you stand with an umbrella under a modulated stream of water that broadcasts tunes like “I’m Singing in the Rain”(pictured above). We also walked around Helsinki, took cheesy pictures in front of the congress buildings, and actually got to take a break from the conference! I’m writing up my report on ISEA now so stay tuned for a longer piece soon. Oh and on top of all this I watched the film Open Water which was really freaky and I thought would be really predictable, but the ending proved me wrong.


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