A recent article in Slashdot about the new Apple Powerbook motion sensors reminds me of an old project of mine from 2001 called LiveWindow (check out the video I have there). My project embedded an earthquake sensor into a web browser so that when the computer felt any force in the room, it could sense its immediate environment and the text and images on the web-page would collapse. Its pretty exciting that Apple has included a motion sensor in its hardware – and opened up a lot of new possibilities for desiging software to interact with this device. Maybe if you shake your computer really hard now it will send off angry emails to spammers!


One thought on “The Physical Computer

  1. Computer that feels the force in the room
    Four years before the Apple Powerbook got “motion sensored” (and repurposed), Jonah Brucker-Cohen’s LiveWindow installation attempted to translate the physicality of the real world into the virtual. Any vibration on the floor around the computer was…

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