Katherine and I are heading to Brussels, Belgium to lead a workshop at the Interactive Media Arts Laboratory (IMAL). The workshop is titled, “Hybrid World Scrapyard Challenge” and is the first version of our Scrapyard Challenge! workshops (that have been held 28 times in 12 countries across 4 continents to date) that is tailored towards building networked hardware projects out of recycled materials and junk. This workshop will last a week, from May 19th to 23rd, and will cover basics of getting networked projects started using micro-controllers and wireless and wired components both locally and across the Internet. At the end of the workshop we will have a public performance / presentation where people not in the workshop will be able to see what everyone built, etc… Hopefully online people will be able to participate as well. Please stop by on the 23rd around 7pm if you are in Brussels! Watch this space for more details from the workshop and documentation during the week!