The Art of Decision, an exhibition opening in Dublin, Ireland is ” an interactive multimedia exhibition that encourages the individual to realize their significance in relation to political decision-making. The exhibition consists of a series of rooms that immerse visitors in situations that invite them to reconstruct their perception of political structures and political involvement. The project particularly addresses those who feel excluded from the political process.” The project features some interesting installations including: “DATA:MAP: – a large-scale interactive map of Ireland designed to present information in a novel way on 6 surrounding projector screens. As visitors walk across the map, they trigger animations that present statistical data on the gender balance on Irish State bodies in over 70 locations around the country.” Another piece includes “PowerHouse” or “Images of Power” – a photographic exhibition presented in a set designed caricature of a home, its garden and street. 70 anonymous participants in the research project were given disposable cameras and asked to take photos that represent their ideas of power and include comments on the photograph.” Pretty interesting show (wish I could be there).. above is a pic from one of the “power” images.


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