I’m off to Montreal where I’ll be setting up a solo show of 6 of my projects at OBORO which opens at 5 pm on September 16th. At 3 pm on the 16th we will be doing a performance of our SimpleTEXT project, so if you can come, be sure to bring your cell phones!. Information about the show is here. That link is actively connected to my Alerting Infrastructure! project which will be set up inside the gallery for the duration of the show. Other projects in the show of mine will be PoliceState, a new version of SpeakerPhone, IPO Madness, Wi-Fi Hog, and Crank the Web! It will be the first time I’ve shown all of these projects together in one space, so I’m looking forward to seeing how it all pans out. I’ll also be giving a talk about my projects on the 11th at Concordia at 6:30pm which is open to the public. Katherine and I will be running our MIDI Scrapyard Challenge workshop on the 8th at OBORO as well – which has already filled up! But if you are around, please come by at 6pm on the 8th to see the final presentations of what people built during the day! More soon from Montreal!


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