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click and drag to control the animation

Just wanted to say happy new year to everyone! Thanks for tuning into Coin-Op and hope everyone has a great 2008!...

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Happy New Year!

I saw this in a personal library the other day. It’s probably not a good idea to put these two books next to each other on a shelf....

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Unfortunate Book Placement

Taking a break from the blog for the holidaze – more to come soon! Hope everyone has a good one!...

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Happy Holidaze

This is what happens when you try to be Jack Bauer in the age of dial-up! Hilarious.. thanks Steve for the link…...

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24 from 1994!

Today I published my 100th post on the Make Blog since I started writing for them back on Sept 13th, 2007. You can read all of my posts here. Click on...

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100 Posts on MAKE

Today coin-operated.com turns 10! 10 years ago today (Dec 12, 1997) I released a 7″ record of one of my old bands on a record label I called ...

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Coin-operated turns 10

I exhibited BumpList recently in the “Web 2.0 Generation” exhibition at the Enter 3, 3rd International Festival for Arts, Sciences, and Te...

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BumpList at Enter 3

I’m heading to Barcelona on Tuesday to give a talk about my work at the NOW: Meetings in the Present Continuous event happening at the CCCB. It ...

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Talk @ NOW, Barcelona, Spain

This “Cassette Deck Guitar” was built during our Scrapyard Challenge workshop in Lima, Peru. Pretty cool design integrating an old guitar ...

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Cassette Deck Guitar

Next week I’ll be installing my projects SpeakerPhone and Alerting Infrastructure! at the BLIP! show at the Fundacion Telefonica here in Lima, P...

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Blip! show in Lima

Yesterday while driving around Lima, we passed this Norbert Weiner Institute (the grandfather of Cybernetics). Didn’t get a chance to go inside,...

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Norbert Weiner Institute

This was a funny restaurant seen around Lima. I got my sandwich with an extra slice of “eBay” and some “YouTube” dressing. Was...

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Hungry? Just go online!

Walking around Lima, Peru last night we came across this Internet/Travel Agency! Lightsabers not included with the price of a round trip ticket!...

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May the Internet be with you

Hope everyone out there has a happy “spooky” halloween this year! I think my favorite costume so far this year is this guy’s YouTube...

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Happy Halloween!!!

Taking a break from the blog for a bit! More to come next week!...

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Katherine Moriwaki and my project “Umbrella_net” is included in the book “New Media Design” by Tricia Austin and Richard Doust...

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New Media Design Book

This sign was spotted in our neighborhood. Pretty funny reminder not to park in a driveway. Unless it’s an invisible car…....

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Sign of the times

This DIGG shirt makes you wish you had some friends. Kinda sad that the only way to get more DIGGS on this shirt is to get punched in the stomach, but...

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DIGG shirt gets you punched

Taking a break from the blog for a bit, more to come next week!...

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This Sinclair Radio Watch by Dagfinn Aksnes (one of our Scrapyard Challenge Workshop participants in Glasgow) is a really cool project that reminds me...

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Sinclair Radio Watch

I’ve been blogging over at the Make Blog recently so that’s why I haven’t been posting so much here. More to come next week from Sco...

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Make Blog

I just finished up a Gizmodo Gallery on Paris-based media artists, Helen Evans and Heiko Hansen (also known as HeHe). HeHe’s work provides intri...

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Gizmodo Gallery: HeHe

The Offload festival: Systems for Survival, taking place in Bristol, UK this Sept 13-16th, is “the UK’s first network media and systems a...

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"OffLoading" Art

The Space Hijackers, an artist group based in London, UK (known for their pretty cool “Circle Line Parties” on the London Tube) are having...

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Tank You Very Much

Thomas Edward’s project “Touch” (2007) reminds me of a homeade version of “In Touch” created at the MIT Media Lab’...

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History Repeats Itself

We went to the Library of Congress today and checked out the audio tour. In this case you use your own cell phone – just call a local phone numb...

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Cell Phone Tour Guide

My project, PleaseSpam.Us was written about in the French newspaper, La Liberation today. You can read the French to English translation here, or the ...

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PleaseSpam.US in the news!

Toronto based artist Amos Latteier who I profiled for Gizmodo back in November, 2005 is building a huge kite inspired by Alexander Graham Bell’s...

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Bell Kite Project

This is great – now I can save my cash every breath I take. I should have come up with this idea – damn!...

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This “Drive Tray Guitar” was built by a workshop participant during our MIDI Scrapyard Challenge workshop held at Eyebeam in NYC last week...

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Drive Tray Guitar @ MSC

Today marks 4 years of this blog being up and running. I started this blog back when I was still living in Ireland and now 4 years later after a few &...

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4 Years of Coin-Op Blog

Today we saw this super cool “Bird Cage PC Case Mod” built by a member of the Basurama team in Madrid. Best of all you attach the “p...

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Bird Cage Case Mod!

The Dublin Art and Technology Association (DATA) a community art/tech group I co-founded in 2002 with Darklight founder Nicky Gogan has made a comebac...

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DATA Returns!

This “Gyrating” purse was also constructed in a few hours during the “wearables” component of our workshop this week. The snap...

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Purse Activated!

Yesterday we took a trip out of town to the Madrid trash sorting center to pick up some more junk electronics, etc. I really liked this sign posted fo...

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More Junk and Survival

This modified printer was built by workshoppers today during the MIDI Scrapyard Challenge mini-workshop in this larger “Scrapyard Challenge̶...

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BattleStar Printer-Galactica

The DarkLight Festival in Dublin (now in its 8th year and run by Nicky Gogan (who I co-founded DATA with in 2002) should be a fun event this year! The...

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DarkLight Festival 07

Pretty crazy bumpersticker I saw on a car the other day. I guess it puts the state of the world today into very clear perspective, but then again, I m...

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You Are Too Agreeable

Today was the first day of the NIME conference (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) here in NYC. Above is a picture of one of the demos – a &...

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NIME 2007 Begins!

I like this Web 2.0 Name Generator. I thought all you needed to do for this was to take a proper noun like Mickey Mouse, and make it into one word and...

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Web 2.0 Nm Gener8tr

Walking around a street fair today in Brooklyn I came across this great & ‘healthy’ item. Now all I need is some chocolate covered Tw...

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Heart Attack Special

This year’s FutureSonic festival (held for its 6th year in Manchester, UK from May 10-12th) examines public space and wireless interventions wit...

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The Future is Sonic

Taking a break from the blog right now, more to come soon….. keep feedin…....

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This is a pretty cool project from the WWF. It shows the average amount of Carbon Monoxide Emissions from a car over the course of a day. Interesting ...

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Black Cloud

Some pics from our latest MIDI Scrapyard Challenge from the GEL conference, NYC workshop are here. Above is a picture of the “MIDI Toaster”...

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Pics from MSC @ GEL 07!

Amy Franceschini and Michael Swaine’s installation, “Rain Harvester/ Greywater System“, on display now at Gallery 16 in San Francisc...

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The Spanish artist group, Joystick‘s project “Thanks to the trash that has given me so much¨ offers another way of seeing the process o...

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Sticker Trash Art Campaign

These “Coffee Wipes” have to be a pretty odd invention, especially since the company that makes them is called BUNN. Hmm, the whole thing ...

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unfortunate product name

Here in Chicago we passed by the door of a prof at Columbia College with this poster on their door. Pretty funny reminder of GW’s incompetence. ...

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Presidenting is Hard!

(“Grafikdemo”, Roy, 2004) I just finished up a Gizmodo Gallery on Berlin-based media artist, Niklas Roy. Roy’s work is an astonishin...

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Gizmodo Gallery: Niklas Roy

Urban Interface Berlin is a symposium and exhibition that will happen “between April 15 and May 6, 2007. The project will present artworks in th...

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Urban Interface Berlin

In the NYC yellow-cab taxi I took back from the airport yesterday, I noticed there was a screen with a real-time GPS readout and map of our journey. P...

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NYC Taxis get GPSed

I’m showing my Alerting Infrastructure! project: “a web hit counter that destroys a buidling”, at the Laboral Center for Art and Ind...

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AI @ Laboral: Opens Today

Finally it’s out! The long awaited book “Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists” by Ben Fry and Casey R...

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Processing: The Book

Martin Bonadeo’s “Mobius Display” (see video above) “confronts the spectator with the impossibility of contemplating all the i...

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LED Tilt Screens

Rania Ho’s “Modem” video is a great reminder of Internet connectivity from the not-so-distant past! Check out the video above –...

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Modem: Human Version

“Distance Lab” has launched in northern Scotland! This lab was founded by Stefan Agamanolis who ran the “Human Connectedness” ...

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Distance Lab Launches

I finally put up this video for my Forward Compatible project, a parasitic object attached to a Wi-Fi or fixed network router. The device monitors net...

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Forward Compatible Video

The 56K Modem Emulator “brings the old-skool joys of the dial-up connection to the modern day broadband user. Happiness is a squeaky analog conn...

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Emulatation Old Skool

This site lets you take a test to calculate how “Nerdy” you are! Pretty funny, I ranked a “Low Ranking Nerd. Definitely a nerd but l...

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Nerd Tests

German artist Aram Bartholl did a “World of Warcraft” performance in public space where he had his name follow him over his head. Watch th...

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WOW in real life!

Here’s a photo from the opening of the “Cell Phone: Art and the Mobile Phone” show at the Contemporary Museum in Baltimore. I was sh...

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SimpleTEXT in Baltimore

Due to an overload of activity the last few days, the comment system is broken. Hopefully I’ll get this fixed soon, thanks for your patience....

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Comments Dead

Today’s my birthday – i turn —-! Another year gone by – pretty nuts.....

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Above is a picture of the “MIDI Hoover” by David Bernard of Glasgow’s Pointless Creations. Bernard was the musical guest last week a...

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Sound Vacuum

This t-shirt is a nice way of selling yourself to the corporate crowd while maintaining your anonymity....

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Rent Your Chest

These hands were sticking out of the beach here in Uruguay. It’s not clear who the artist was who made them, but they were a pretty impressive t...

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Giants In The Sand

I’ll be back online sooooooooooooooooooon – hope everyone had a good new years and more to come…. (just wanted to refresh the calend...

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Happy New Year

We saw this inflatable bear outside an electronics shop today. Obviously someone who works there liked the SNL video too much and made the bear part o...

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Bear With A Box

Hope everyone has a good holiday! Posting on here will be minimal over the holidays as I’ll be running around like everyone else… still &#...

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Happy Holidaze

This sign was seen on a plant in a Montreal restaurant. I guess the owners were sick of getting amazed people wondering how their “plastic”...

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Ridiculous Disclaimers

Here’s the video of the “Cell Phone A-Life performance” I helped create at Eyebeam last October with Usman Haque and Karmen Franinov...

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Cell Phone A-Life Video

Here’s a pic from the “A-Life” cell phone performance I did last October with Usman Haque and Karmen Franinovic at the Architecture ...

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Cell Phone A-Life

This Nixie tube watch has the best batteries out there. Krusty the clown make’s batteries? I guess there’s nothing in the Simpsons Empire ...

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Nixie Watch Simpsons Style

I’m reblogging over at Eyebeam the next week as well, and with the holidaze coming up, I won’t be posting here too much until 2007 (althou...

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