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Author: jonah

I’m giving a talk about my work at the Center for Integrated Media at CalArts in Valencia, CA on Thursday, March 18th… Please stop by if y...

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Talk at CalArts

This is a picture of what my mouse / trackpad does in a day. The spot on the left is the “check mail” button on my email client and the to...

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My Mouse Over a Day

I’m giving a lecture and running a workshop at “Beyond the instrument metaphor: new paradigms for interactive media” at Arizona Stat...

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Heading to Arizona

Students in the class I teach, “New Media Research Studio” at New York University’s Steinhardt’s Department of Media, Culture,...

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Paper FaceBook

I’ll be in Chicago next week for the College Art Association’s 2010 conference. I’m speaking on a panel entitled “New Media/Ne...

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Heading to Chicago for CAA

Today’s my birthday, I turn –! pretty cool! nice to see another year go by and looking forward to this year!...

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Birthday Time

Happy New Year Everyone! This is my first post of 2010! that means this blog has been around for 7 years.. Yikes! Looking forward to a great year!...

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Happy New Year 2010!

Hope everyone has a good holidays and new year! Follow me on Twitter, not here as much any more. I’ve become less into the full blog. I’m ...

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Happy Holidaze From Coin-OP

I’m giving 3 talks in the next few weeks, hope you can make it out to one or all of them! Details: 1. Nov 7 @ Mobile Art and Code Symposium and ...

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Talks Coming Up

Heading to Dublin next week to defend my PhD! Wish me luck!...

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I’m speaking about my work tomorrow night at IGNITE! NYC. Info on this event is here! Come on out!...

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PRIVACY NOTICE Last updated September 18, 2020 Thank you for choosing to be part of our community at Human Error (“Company“, “weR...

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Privacy Policy

Nice display of some of the drawbots made at our workshop at IMOCA – REFUNCT, Dublin. The opening of the show which runs until September 28th, 2...

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Drawbots at IMOCA / ReFunct

Here’s a transcription of an interview I did with Andrea Polli at the FutureSonic Festival in Manchester, UK. I was there launching the THWONK p...

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Interview @ FutureSonic

“PhiLia 01”, Lia, 2009 I just published an article on iPhone Art Apps for This is a really interesting genre of artist projec...

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Article on iPhone Art Apps

I’m on Twitter… Follow me here… i update my feed more than this blog…...

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Follow Me…

Katherine and I are both invited faculty for the GOSH Summit next month at the Banff Centre in Canada. GOSH = Grounding Open Source Hardware – a...

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This error message is a true indicator of how connected and lonely people can simultaneously be. I just hope that it’s not becoming a reality ye...

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Internet Breeding Isolation

  After a pretty busy day at Maker Faire, people made some fun instruments during our Scrapyard Challenge Workshop! Above are pictures of an instru...

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Maker Faire Day 1

  We have just launched THWONK!, a new “Web 4.0” project ( we are skipping Web 3.0 because it’s just too big of a project) that l...

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THWONK is now Live

Well I decided to try out Twitter since it will be part of a new project I’m working on. You can “follow” me at this URL. More on th...

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Holy crap I'm on Twitter

I’m heading to the FutureSonic Festival in Manchester, UK this coming week. I’m there to give a talk about my work and for the world premi...

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The Future is Sonic

Katherine and I will be participating in this year’s MAKER FAIRE, held on May 30-31st at the San Mateo, CA Fair Grounds. More info on our partic...

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Just MAKE it, Scrapyard Style

“PoliceState” installed at “Source Code“, Eyebeam Center for Art & Technology, May 31 – August 11, 2007, NY, NY. 201...

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Video Documentation from Scrapyard Challenge Workshops 2011 Scrapyard Challenge Workshop May 7, 2011 Baruch College, New York, NY, USA. Scrapyard Chal...

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Yesterday we visited the Miraikan museum in Tokyo and checked out the Terminator 4 exhibition. Above is a picture of “Astronomical Toilet Paper&...

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Space Age Tokyo

I’ve been neglecting this blog for the last few weeks, mainly because I’m working on the launch of a new project and putting the finishing...

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Blog Decay

I’m going to be at the ARCO art fair this week showing my “Alerting Infrastructure!” project. If you can’t be there, please he...

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Heading to ARCO

Today’s my birthday! Today I turn 3_______fill in the blank___. Let’s hope this year is a good one! Thanks to everyong for reading Coin-op...

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I thought I would post a few pictures from President Obama’s inauguration that I attended in DC on January 20th! It was a really inspiring exper...

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Obama's Inauguration!

I took a picture of the cover of one of the strangest Sci-Fi books around, featuring George Bush in a crazy Uncle Sam hat. I don’t speak Spanish...

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Sci-Fi George Bush Book

I’m not Christian or anything, but just wishing people out there a happy xmas this year… Hopefully the world will be a better place starti...

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Merry Xmas

I built this “Video Mixer Lamp” out of parts from an old school mixer that we salvaged from one of our workshops. Turned out pretty cool s...

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Video Mixer Lamp

Wishing everyone a happy holiday season! I’m taking a break from the blog for a bit, but might drop by to post something over the holidays if I ...

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Happy Holidaze From Coin-OP

This giant GUNDAM robot controlled the sound on this modded turntable design by one of the participants of our Scrapyard Challenge workshop here in Se...

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Workshop robot attack in Seoul

Just have to get my political 2 cents in and congratulate President-Elect Barack Obama on a stunning victory yesterday! Very cool to have a president ...

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Congrats Obama!

On November 5th, I’m giving a talk at UC Berkeley in San Francisco as part of their “Design Futures Lecture Series“. If you are arou...

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Talk at UC Berkeley

I saw this poster on a tree in my neighborhood today. Pretty amusing that someone would go through the trouble to print this out and stick it on the s...

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Plant Thief Spotted

Here at Ars Electronica finding power is difficult, so we’ve managed to get everyone sharing a communal powerstrip (pictured). I guess this is p...

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Ars Electronica live

I am heading to Ars Electronica this year to speak in the “New Cultural Economy” symposium about open source and networking media art proj...

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Heading to Ars Electronica

This “Digital Bra” instrument was built by one of our workshop participants here at the Ranch. The device had piezo sensors that were caus...

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Digital Bra Sounds

Katherine and I are heading to Anderson Ranch Arts Center next week to run our Scrapyard Challenge workshop. The workshop is full and we’re real...

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Meanwhile at the Ranch

Apparently some doctors do make house calls. I saw this truck parked outside our building yesterday and had to snap a pic. I guess there are enough si...

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Bird Doctor is in

Just put up some documentation for our SuperSoaker Car Organ that we built in Miami last week. You can read about it here....

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SuperSoaker Car Organ

Today we were out and saw this on a street light post here in Miami. I just hope this isn’t a scam because I really need one of these....

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Diplomas on Posts

Yesterday the Basurama team collected some car parts for the installation we are doing here in Miami with them… Here are some pics of the headli...

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Collecting Car Parts

Today is the 5th anniversary of this blog. I started it in July 2003 just to try and document projects that I was interested in that were related to m...

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Blog turns 5

This iDial application for iPhone turns your iPhone into a relic from the past. I really like how it’s so old school that most people born withi...

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iDial turns iPhones retro

Today, Apple introduced its latest iPhone. I actually like this model more than the last one because it really helps to make the process of getting in...

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New iPhone announced

Yesterday we went to the “Busy Mall” in Queens and checked out the goods. The name was definitely correct on this one....

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Get Busy

Here in Brussels we passed this store nearby the workshop space! Pretty cool – tons of good stuff in there like “Chocolate Silicon Chips&#...

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Food For Programmers

Some really great talks from Alessandro Ludovico (of Neural), Jaime Villarreal, and Ivan Twohig at the last DATA event in Dublin. Check out all the ta...

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DATA 30 Videos up

Katherine and I just got back from Murcia, Spain where we were commissioned artists for the SOS4.8 Festival on Art and Sustainable Design. Plus it was...

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SOS 4.8 Fest Documentation

I just built this iPhone box mod as a project box for one of my projects because I needed a new container for it and didn’t have access to a dri...

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iPhone Box Mod

The video above is the results of a Drawbots workshop held at St. James National School, Stradbally, Ireland on April 23rd, 2008. Drawbots is a simple...

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Drawbots in Irish School

I’ve started writing for Neural. Check out my first post here on Chico MacMurtrie’s “Totem Mobile”. Pretty cool project…...

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Neural Posts

Dublin-based French artist Ben Gaulon has set up his PrintBall project in Dublin facing a glass window, undoubtably an intense experience to be standi...

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PrintBall in Dublin

Taking a break from the blog for a bit – more to come next week! Happy March btw....

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The website for the “Design and the Elastic Mind” show at the Museum of Modern Art is now live. You can see my project, “Wifi-Hog...

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Wifi-Hog on the MoMa site

Today’s my birthday. Today I turn 3–! Pretty nuts, another year gone by…....

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Breaking from the blog for a bit… check out my posts on the MAKE blog instead!...

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