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click and drag to control the animation

The new issue of the very cool, indie media art magazine, Neural, is out. The mag is published in Italy but the printed mag is out in English. This is...

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New Neural Out

Came across this article about the President of Iran saying how the “Holocaust was a ‘myth’ ” and that Israel should be “...

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This is Messed Up

Taking a blogging break for a bit. More to come this weekend....

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Lots of snow fell here last nite! Too bad its still the weekend otherwise there would be lots of skool and other types of cancellations. Still –...

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Snow Day

This was interesting. Outside of a restaurant in Mnhttn yesterday I noticed they didnt want people sitting on the pipes in front of their windows so t...

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People Deterrant

The tagline for Zipcars is that they are “the closest thing to owning a car without the cost and hassle. And more convenient, cost effective and...

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Zip Around

Having a PC meltdown now so hopefully everything will get back up and running in the next week! More soon! Meanwhile if you are in NYC, you should go ...

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If you are in the US – today is Turkey day! Have a good one and don’t eat too much! Leftovers are part of the tradition. Over and out unti...

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Happy ThnXgiving

The SPOTS light and media installation in Berlin’s Potsdamer Platz will run for a “period of 18 months [and] convert an office block locat...

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Berlin SPOTS

Check out this clip of Saturday Night Live actor Fred Armisen’s brilliant impression of Apple CEO Steve Jobs announcing the new iPod “Micr...

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The "Invisa" iPod

MIT has created a $100 Laptop that is “crankable” – hmm pretty interesting.. hehe.. Above is a pic of my project “Crank The We...

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Crank The Laptop

Apparently at a SPRINT event in NYC, “no one knew that DMC of Run DMC was going to make an appearance and give a private concert for all the jou...

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Sprint DMC

Walking around our neighborhood last nite we saw some interesting chalk art on the sidewalk. I’m guessing this is because our neighborhood gets ...

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Corporate Disobedience

BlueBox is a “bluetooth software and hardware application designed and developed by Maria N. Stukoff and Jon Wetherall for the creative use of m...

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BlueTooth Goes Collaborative

I’m giving a talk tonite about my work at PACE Digital Gallery in lower Manhattan. If you are around, please stop by!...

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Talk @ PACE

This is the Australian version of “Rice Krispies” – I forgot to mention this on our recent trip there but I like the obviousness of ...

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Stating the Obvious

Some Press in the Washington Square News on our SimpleTEXT show last week! This is my favorite quote from the article: “I’ve always wante...

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Image resulting from “Public Art” The setup! Last night’s performance we did of SimpleTEXT went really well! Over 100 people attende...

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I’ve been suffering from “bloglag” lately because its been hectic around here getting ready for the SimpleTEXT performance we are do...

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The Sideways bike is made of “three semi-circular canals positioned at right angles to each other that detect balance in three axes. These canal...

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Moving Sideways

I’ll be giving a talk at Dorkbot NYC along with Carol Salmanson and Chris Vecchio on Weds, Nov 2nd at 7pm @Location ONE. Please come out if you ...

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Dorkbot NYC

On October 26th I will be doing a performance of SimpleTEXT in NYC for the Handheld show a NYU’s Kimmel Center. Anyone in the NYC area should co...

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SimpleTEXT @ NYU!

I guess if I wanted to sell gas, this might be a good way to get a big audience. Either it’s gas with some BBQ or gas for your BBQ, I’m no...

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Waiting in a gas station here, there was a good angle of view which saw this pile of manure (cow and chicken) in front of the McDonalds sign pointing ...

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Interesting Angles

Breaking the Game, is “a series of interdisciplinary workshops and online symposium that bring together competing theorists and practitioners to...

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Game Break

Today we had free so we decided to check out the local shopping on Brunswick street and got a nice tour of RMIT (not “Our” MIT ) by a frie...

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Free day at the Shops

Yesterday K and I gave talks at the Meat Market here in Melbourne along with our co-facilitator, Adam Nash. Overall the talks went really well and des...

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talk and free day

Today at the lab we had the participants build Drawbots which went really well! Lots of cool mods we made including some “Jackson Pollack”...

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Botting and Modding

So far the lab has been really fun! Today we went on a chalk trip around the city, writing up hidden relationships between space and people occupying ...

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Marking Space

Its not often that public signs are made to be that obvious that you understand them right away. This sign that we saw today while touring outside of ...

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Sign Language

Low Tech Sensors And Actuators is a research/ art project involving “a suite of low-tech sensors and actuators using electronic children’s...

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Lower Your Tech

….One year ago today I went into the hospital. It has been a crazy year for me but thanks to all my friends and family supporting me through thi...

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Anniversary (of sorts)

This project, Playing Flickr looks like a pretty close to exact ripoff of a project I worked on called SimpleTEXT from Jan. 2003 to present with Tim R...

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SimpleTEXT Rip

My inteview with FUR, the Germany-based gaming artists is up now on GIZMODO! Read up!...

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FUR Interview

Brainmirror is “an interactive experience where the image of the visitors brain appears mixed with his/her mirror image, using natural head move...

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Brains Around The Table

I’ve been listening to YTCracker’s Nerdrap album (which you can download as MP3z from the above link). Its pretty hilarious to think of th...

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Nerd Rap and Beyond

Ok, this is the best domain name and wedding Blog I’ve ever seen. This wedding is for Carrie McLaren who runs the culture-jamming magazine/blog ...

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Weddings and Culture Jammers

I just wrote up this Net Art News for Rhizome on the new “Endless Forest” game by Auriea Harvey and Michael Samyn. I’ve had a chance...

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MMOGs and the Forest

TECHNORGANIC is a “one-night mini-festival celebrating the autumnal equinox through the uncommon merger of new media art technologies with an em...

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Tech Meets Nature

Alex just released a Carnivore Library for Processing (Very Cool!) that runs directly in Processing – so there’s no need to connect to an ...

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Processing + Carnivore

Game Paused is a conference / event celebrating the video game – taking the form of a book, DVD, and exhibition to be held in London, Nov 3-13th...

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Game Paused

Not really sure what this thing is but its enormous and looks like it dropped from the sky onto this square. Here are some pics of people looking dumb...

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Crazy French Thing

Custom tailoring your home décor has never been easier with personal art from DNA 11. Send in a sample of your DNA and in return you’ll recei...

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Art Made From You

Mark Esper is having an opening this week which looks to be really cool. I’ve already mentioned his tornado installation here before, but this s...

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Machines That Spin

The Refresh! conference starting Sept 28 at Banff New Media Institute in Canada is an event “. . .on the Histories of Media Art and will discuss...

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Freshen Up

Yesterday we checked out the USOpen in Queenz – which turned out to be a really fun day of matches. The highlight was watching Venus Williams wi...

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Open Season

I really wish I has as much time on my hands as this guy (Gary Duschl) who made a 46,053 foot long chain of gum wrappers that easily put him into the ...

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Oh The Time Needed…

Usman Haque’s latest project, Haunt, uses “. . .humidity, temperatures and electromagnetic and sonic frequencies that parapsychologists ha...

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Haunted (Interactive) Art

Sorry for the posting lag lately, been doing some writing over at GIZMODO lately including this entry on a laser sight slingshot and this one on a Vol...

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Laag Time…

This idea is a long time coming: connect up a photo sharing service like “SmugMug.com” with the open API of Google Maps and the result is ...

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Mapping Pictures By The Click

I really like this idea… iSoldIt is a brick and mortar store that sells your stuff on eBay! You just drop off your old crap and they photo it, l...

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Ebay for the Lazy

Instructables is a website “for showing what you make and how others can make it. Making things is part of being human. Whether you make bikes, ...

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Making Things Together

This crazy stampede that happened yesterday in Richmond, Virginia wasn’t even because of the “next big thing” in personal computing&...

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Outdated Computer Riot

Last week we made it to the Giant Robot store here in LA on Sawtelle Blvd and then over to GR/EATS the Giant Robot restaurant across the street which ...

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Robots For Sale

One of the original designers of Flash for Macromedia (back when it was codename: “Babaloo”), Murat Konar’s projects bridge the gap ...

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Hit the Drum (Head)

I just came across this ad for a “BROKEN PS2” – on sale for only $50! Nice.. I wish I could sell all my broken stuff for that much.....

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Broken Tech and Misuse

This DIY air conditioner wins the award for the simplest and funniest way to make an overheated room cool. Just freeze two 2 Liter bottles of water an...

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Putting the "Lo" in Low-Tech

Today we went to Pasadena to see Michael Naimark’s Solo Show at Art Center College of Design. Very impressive show with (almost) all of his proj...

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Naimark Show

Now SIGGRAPH is over and we can finally just relax a bit! Yesterday we got to speak to media artist, Toshio Iwai and check out the Tenori-On he develo...

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Today I had speaker prep for my panel tomorrow and met the other panelists. Should go well.. Also, today was Kaki’s panel on “Extreme Fash...

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At our first day at SIGGRAPH – we led the DIY Wearable Challenge version of our Scrapyard Challenge workshops. Its been a lot of fun making simp...

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SIGGRAPH fashion

On our way back from the airport we saw this picture on the back of a Budget truck. “Wear plenty of de-oderant on the day of the move”. Pr...

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Signs of the Times

Kaki and I are off to LA where we will both be speaking on panels at SIGGRAPH. My panel is on August 4 and is called “How is the Web Growing? In...

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Off to CA

Yesterday, we went over to Brooklyn-based artist Mark Esper’s workshop and checked out his homeade “Tornado”. Mark built the tornado...

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Homemade Tornado!

Just uploaded my Report From Artbots 2005 to my Reports page.(This report was commissioned by Rhizome.org). The report is also available here on Rhizo...

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Artbots Report and More!

The Potato Powered Web Server experiment is now done, but it was the worlds lowest power web server. This is a nice reminder that even when there̵...

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Doug has uploaded his documentation of the Artbots show this past weekend in Dublin! Lots of cool pics up there so check em’ out!...

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Artbots Fully Loaded

If you’re driving in Belgium this summer, tune into Radio Forest! From the site: “The content on Radio Forest is made up of music and soun...

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Radio Forest

I’m not sure if this is for real (confirmed: it is real!), but apparently “Eighty-Year-Old Doris Self is going to London to Re-Claim the t...

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Video Games for Seniors

This is a great article detailing the “release” of Sony’s new Wireless Television! The greatest technology on the market! Good news ...

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New Wifi TV out!

It was a great Artbots here in Dublin over the past 3 days. Our workshop attracted over 100 people of the hundreds that came through the event! Tonite...

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Artbots Ends

So far our workshop at artbots has been really fun. Lots of people stopping by to build controllers! The show itself has been great as well and I̵...

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Hangin in Dublin

Heading to Artbots this week in Dublin, Ireland (my old stompin grounds!), where Kaki and I will be running one of our MIDI Scrapyard Challenge events...

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Artbots 2005

Just saw War of the Worlds and in the end it appears as if there is ever an alien attack, we should just open the fences to all the bird sanctuaries o...

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War of the Birds

It sucks to be in London this morning – just wanted to send a shout out to anyone reading over there… hope you and everyone you know is sa...

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Scary Shit

Had a followup angiogram yesterday and the good news is that I’m all clear and really on the way to a good recovery! I don’t have to worry...

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All Clear!

hmm. I was looking through some of my old stuff this weekend and I found a copy of the “Disaster Action Coloring Book”. The book features ...

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Disasters Coloring Book

I’ve noticed recently… lots of articles about the iTunes phone from Apple and Motorola. I’m curious if this is really going to happe...

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Does Apple own "i"?

Over in Dublin, DATA Event 21 went off without a hitch! This was the first DATA event I’ve missed – since I moved back to the US this year...

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Walking around Chicago yesterday, we came across some interesting homeade signage. This one promises to erase your criminal record for only $25 ! nice...

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only $25!

So far, Wired Nextfest has resembled a trade show more than a “worlds” fair. There have been a few notable projects in the show like the e...

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We are heading to Wired NextFest where Kaki is showing her Urban Chameleon project. This year’s event is on Chicago’s Navy Pier which seem...

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Buzztracker is a new dashboard widget for Mac OSX Tiger, that shows a global map with indicators of important news events happening in real-time. A qu...

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Visually Track the News

Here’s some info on a new project of mine called BumpNet. BumpNet is a wireless network that challenges the existing methods of connectivity amo...

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This hack looks like a really nice way to enjoy emulated NES games on a portable. Would be nice to get back into things like this… Roger Ibars d...

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NES to ppc

I’m not sure how legal this is, but there’s a NYC metrocard for sale on eBay for much less than what its worth. Sounds like a good deal, b...

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Subway sale

Apple has some answers to tell after the big “switch” that was announced a few days ago! I’m wondering if Steve Jobs was really trut...

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Apple's Switch

If you have an old Nintendo controller hanging around, this might be the perfect way to mod it. This Nintendo 4-port USB hub will make you the envy of...

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AINSO is an internet hosting company where “power is generated using 120 solar panels located on the roof of the data center.” Thus it cre...

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Solar Powered Network

Simon Greenwold’s “I Like to Watch” is “a program that watches television. Specifically, it watches COPS on Fox. It is not a v...

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Cop Watcher

Not only do they take up brain space, they take up HD space! Today I got rid of a lot of useless languages on my Mac with this cool OSX app MonoLingua...

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Languages Take Up Space

I know a few people who would buy one of these – not only for its kitsch appeal, but also because they are addicted to this stuff and dont want ...

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Sugar Rush

Deadline Games’ project, “On The Farm” puts you in the shoes of two kids living on a farm. From the website: “Town dwellers Wi...

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"Playing" The Farm

Microsoft(ie)’s next generation OS, Longhorn, is getting rid of the “MY” from “My Computer” and “My Ass” in ...

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Tech Speek

Now on sale, the Dookie iSmell from “CrApple” ! Features “No removable storage. — No chance of upgrading this clunker. â€...

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We were in some junk shops in Athens when I found one of these: Surfman is a wireless “Internet Controller” (yippeee!) thats “lets y...

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Control the Internet

We are in Athens doing one of our MIDI Scrapyard Challenge (pic above) workshops at the university here. Its been a great experience and the students ...

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This San Fran based project is literally “Making You Think” all about how bad our president really “stinks”. Just go to the si...

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Just Poo It

Since I’ve been back home (the US) I’ve noticed how much paper is consumed on a daily basis and how nothing can be accomplished without it...

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Paperless Society? When?

They are filming Superman Returns now in Sydney. The scheduled release date for the flick is June 30, 2006 and it’s directed by none other than ...

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Superheros Everywhere

Good news from the folks at Rhizome, the site is free again for all users to subscribe to email lists and see recent posted content.. if you want to t...

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Let Free Access Ring

Kaki and I are in Montreal where she is speaking at the HTMELLES festival. It’s nice to be back in my old stomping grounds – things have d...

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In Montreal

The Groove tube is “a translucent plastic box that attaches with suction cups to the screen of your television. It has a grid of dividers inside...

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Today I put a Creative Commons License on my Drawbot project. This will hopefully save me some time / energy in the future. . . we shall see.....

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Drawbots License

This project, Google Will Eat Itself looks like a news site hosting feeds about “e-business” opportunities and other news. The kicker is t...

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Google Snax

Yesterday I wrote my first Widget for Dashboard in the new OSX, Tigrrr. It’s pretty simple and doesn’t do too much, but it got me interest...

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Widget Hacking

My G4 laptop gets so hot I def want to turn it off the whole summer if possible. So when I saw this, I was excited that Apple may have realized the pr...

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G5 Laptops Won't Burn Your A##

The Art of Decision, an exhibition opening in Dublin, Ireland is ” an interactive multimedia exhibition that encourages the individual to realiz...

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Decisions, Decisions…

Some video games just don’t make the cut. They have all the right elements but something just doesn’t seem right and they fail before they...

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This ad is all over the subways in NY and people are flipping out about it in blogs as well and apparently cows have guns now so my question is…...

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Cows Are Up to No Good

The Resonance project “explores the nature of invisible yet discernible material forces and the impact of these vibrating energies on our enviro...

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Resonance in the Air

An article I wrote on Wifi-Hog is up on the Locative Media site. This article focuses on the story of the project and the idea behind it, as well as c...

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Wifi Hog Article

Opening in Tokyo’s Intercommunication Center (ICC) is Open Nature a show curated by Yukiko Shikata and focusing on “the “nature̶...

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Green Machine

This informal event called SMAL or “Season of Media Arts London” is a get-together for people to showcase projects “support and stim...

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Tis' the SMAL

The idea is spreading… This guy turned his car into a roving Wifi Hotspot that broadcasts a signal whereever he drives and allows people to conn...

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The Pedestrian Levitation project “puts human movement in a virtual world. The work analyses pedestrians on the crossroad of the Chaussée de ...

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Representing Movement

The IMC EXPO is going on in NYC now. Reading this quote on the website made me laugh: “If you’re looking to introduce a new technology, pr...

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Talk and more Talk

San Fran’s ParkScan program outfits ordinary citizens with wireless PDAs, online maps of local parks, and surveys for them to report on health a...

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Citizen Mediated Parks