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click and drag to control the animation

Not that I play guitar (I’m a drummer), but if I did I might look into being cheesy enough to get one of these JamPod attachments for the iPod t...

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a Pod for Every iCcasion

This story of a woman killed here in NYC after stepping into the street and getting hit by and ambulance is pretty crazy. Did she not hear the sirens?...

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Crossing The Street

It’s always sad to see the weekend go, but i guess it just makes you anticipate the next one on the way. We checked out Steven Chow’s Kung...

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Weekend Closing

Tonite, Kaki and I are giving talks at ITP about our work and projects. It will be nice to go back to the school we both graduated from and see what t...

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Night of the Talks

Yesterday we took a lot of old, outdated computer equipment I had in storage, over to the “Recycle Your Electronics” day in Park Slope. Th...

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Recycle Your Computers!

This new show on Fox about the vegetative Terry Shiavo makes me wonder whats next for reality TV? It’s about as crazy as Kumawar that lets you &...

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FOX Going Too Far?

Its cool that SMS is finally catching on in the US. The fact that Google has set up a new service that allows people to send SMS to get things like mo...

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SMS gets Googled

Reliving the 80s never felt so good to waste time with this 80s Arcade Game site! All the games are here like Moon Patrol, Pac Man, Frogger, even Simo...

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80s Arcade

Parisian street artist “Space Invader” has a new show up called “Rubik Space” where he’s created more of his pixelated a...

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Rubik Space

A recent article in Slashdot about the new Apple Powerbook motion sensors reminds me of an old project of mine from 2001 called LiveWindow (check out ...

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The Physical Computer

The Talks we gave at UCLA about our work are available in streaming real media from the UCLA website. Check them out.....

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Talks online

The Playing the Past conference in Florida is happening right now! – looks pretty cool – especially the keynote by Mary Flanagan and the t...

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Games and More Games

Usman Haque’s Floatables project is a mobile shield against all technological signals, waves, radiation, data, etc.. that permeates dense urban ...

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Hiding from the Future

If there’s a serious “terrorist threat” to the US (or the world?), apparently President Bush is setting up a kill switch to shut dow...

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Closing Down GPS!

Have you ever been close to a wifi network but havent been able to get a consistent signal? This seems to happen to me all the time. With these cool Q...

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Reaching the Signal

Kaki and I are are heading west for a few weeks to California – LA and SF. We are giving a few talks while there – one at USC‘s inte...

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Heading West

Spending more time in doctors office waiting rooms, I snapped a pic of this sign that I think means “no mobile phones or radios” although ...

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Ambiguous signage

Another scalding article about Media Lab Europe surfaced in the Irish Times this week. It mentions that the conditions were “hell-like” wo...

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MLE chaos!

Kaki and I are talking about our work at Parsons School of Design tonite for the Jihui Salon. You can check out the webcast if you can’t make it...

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Talk @ Parsons Tonite

After leaving Ireland last December, I’m finding out lot of good things I missed when I lived there. Today I found out about this great search e...

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Irish Search

Been checking out Google’s Video Search recently.. Seems like a good tool for finding video clips online, but also seems a bit pointless because...

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Video for the Masses

Kaki and I gave a talk today at Eyebeam on our UMBRELLA.net project. The project is still going strong – just on a little bit of a hiatus recent...

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Urban Gaming

Went to Christo’s “The Gates” in Central park this past weekend. It was pretty spectacular to see all of the 7500 gates draped aroun...

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Gated Community

The RSS Feed for this blog is different now.. please update the feed in your readers… The link for the new feed is on the bottom left side of th...

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New Feed

Got some more stuff for our new apt today and its starting to feel even more homey by the minute – very nice. I also had a visual field test whi...

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Settling In

Today Kaki and I gave talks about our work at the Queens Museum of Art – for an event called Ciudad Transmobil – which was mainly about mo...

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Queens Of the Mobile Tech

Thanks so much to my old high school friend Ernesto for helping me get this blog back up and running! I’ll be back here for the next year or mor...

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Back on my (Blogging) Feet!

I might be moving servers in the next week or so, so this blog could be in jeopardy for a few days and possibly go offline… Don’t worry, i...

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Moving Servers

Well my talk from Ars Electronica (scroll down for my name) this Aug/Sept is now online so if you missed me in Austria, you can watch it through Windo...

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Ars Talk Now Online!

Well I am now out of the hospital for the 2nd time! Recovery is getting faster.. nice! This time aound was a lot better than the last time which prett...

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Discharged 2

Well I am back in the hospital now after having more strange feelings (twinges) and not being able to sleep. Now I’m in a private room in a diff...

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back in the hospital

Since I fell ill, I’ve spent a few (unpleasant) hours in hospital emergency rooms waiting for doctors (and probably will spend more hours in the...

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Today, on a suggestion from my GP, I went to the pool to try and do some excersizes to build back the muscles I lost while in the Hospital. Walking in...

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Last nite I had enough energy (finally!) to go out for a bit, and we went to the opening of the Darklight Digital Film Festival and saw some great hip...

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Hip Hop Dublin

Today was more mellowed out. Met with a new GP today who was very cool and borrowed a video camera so that we could edit the UmbrellaNET video for Dar...

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Good Day

Digital Art Afficionado and Guru – Steve Dietz – did a great job of documenting the Villette Numerique which recently happened in Paris. I...

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Today we checked out the show “Dreaming of the Dragon’s Nation: Contemporary Art From China” which is featured at the Irish Museum o...

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Art Attack from China

Today my cousin, Rosa arrived from the US to hang out and help me out with my recovery! Excellent to have more family here! I went to the hospital for...

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In Recovery

Today was pretty chilled out – walking around Dublin with my mom and Kaki and dropping off some gifts to the nurses at the hospital who took car...

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DEAF and Dumb

Well I’m oficially in recovery now, out of the hospital, taking it easy and trying to get back into normal life. Today my mom and katherine and ...

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Recovery in Motion

Well I am officially discharged from the hospital now (thank tha lord! – I’m outta there!)… It feels so good to be home for good fin...

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I’m home for a bit, with Kaki and my sister, Nicole who came here from NYC to help me recover! Awesome to have family here. My recovery is going...

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Still Kickin

Well – I’m back and forth from the hospital now after having a brain hemorhhage and an AVM in my brain…. I’m in full recovery ...

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In and out of Hospital

Last year at this time I was in Newcastle, Australia at the ElectroFringe festival! This year’s event, titled “Replicate, Automate, Infilt...

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The Fringe is Electronic

NICEBOTS are small wooden robots that drive around and learn based on situations and obstacles they encounter. They are part of an open atelier worksh...

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Be NICE to the Bots

The Virus Mapping Tool (pictured) is one of several projects in the newly touring “virus-art” show, “The Aesthetics of Computer Viru...

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Viruses Are Your Friends

PCworld reports (PCWorld??? what the heck) that Ireland is cracking down on Internet scams! Umm, Ireland (where I am currently living) is the worst &#...

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How To Scam the Scammer

I just uploaded some pictures I took at ArtBots this weekend! Overall it was a great show with lots of cool projects! My pics kind bias my own piece s...

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ArtBots pics!

The Villette Numerique media arts festival opens tonite in Paris! Featured in this huge show includes “Listening Post” by Ben Rubin and Ma...

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Paris Power

New York 2050 is a project for the collective vision and future scenarios of how NYC will be in 50 years. “NewYork2050 seeks to facilitate a pub...

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The Future Tomorrow

Back to Dubs today to setup and test out UMBRELLA.net which makes its debut in NYC for Spectropolis, a 3 day wireless in the park event at City Hall P...

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Heading Home..

Today ArtBots opened in NYC. I’m here running a workshop where 100 people can build my DrawBot robots (made from markers, plastic cups, and old ...

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ArtBots Opens!

Sign up to ride through San Francisco on your bike in inflatable suits at Aeolian Ride, a public performance and bike event by NYC artist, Jessica Fin...

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Ride the Wind

Czech media artist Michael Bielicky has been doing some really great work over his long career. I first discovered Bielicky when I was researching my ...

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From GPS to Constellations

Made it to NYC yesterday and had some time to check out the “Passage of Mirage” show at the Chelsea Art Museum (which I hadn’t been ...

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The Mirage of it All

I just posted my Report from ISEA 2004 today! Read up here and Rhizome! We are off to NYC today to run a DrawBot modding competition at ArtBots: The R...

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Report from ISEA 2004 + more

Published on Rhizome.org – 9/13/04 Baltic Sea, Helsinki (Finland), Tallinn (Estonia) August 14-22, 2004 by Jonah Brucker-Cohen Held over a week ...

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Report From ISEA 2004

Ever wanted to listen to the hurricanes pummeling the western hemisphere? Well thanks to NY-based artist Andrea Polli’s project, “Atmosphe...

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Weather the Storm

Just wanted to give a moment of silence for Sept 11 anniversary....

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Next time you get lost, you can “feel” your way home. The ActiveBelt, tracks your position with GPS, and directs you to your destination w...

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Feel Your Way Home

Yesterday’s keynote by Janet Abrams of the Design Institute was a smack in the face to many UBICOMP attendees when she started asking questions ...

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We finally escaped Ars Electronica (just kidding – it was great!) and are now at UBICOMP in Nottingham, UK where we are participating in a works...

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Demoscene is a new book about the computer hacker revolution of the 1980s. “The demoscene spawned a group of people that have worked in or start...

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Hackers Unite

Yes, even projects at Ars Electronica crash! (see picture) This is Sur La Table by Khan Osman which streamed colors from fruit placed on a table (I as...

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Crashing In For More

Yesterday at Ars was the DISRUPTION panel I moderated – which went really well! Some very interesting presentations including Joi Ito speaking a...

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Ars Update

We’ve arrived here at Ars Electronica 2004 in Linz, Austria! So far the festival has been very active – lots of presentations, exhibition ...

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Ars at 25

Matt Gardiner’s Oribotics are simple robotic sculptures that fold origami shapes and and animate light patterns. Some interesting videos on the ...

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Folding Robots into Nature

As the RNC kicks off in NYC, another mass protest is getting underway across the city. The unemployment line is a symbolic line of people representing...

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Line Up to Protest

The UMBRELLA.net website is now updated and looks much better! It features an events page that lists all of the upcoming events where the project will...

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UMBRELLA.net Update

The trend in pervasive gaming these days seems to push everything onto the STREETS. If it’s not in your face on the sidewalk, then why do it. Ta...

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Kick Some Virtual Ass

TAYTO chip – the ghetto chip! TAYTO is the only potato chip made in a castle in Northern Ireland and they have the best animated factory tour I ...

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Just Have a…

Above is a picture from the project “Symphony for Dot-Matrix Printers, done in 1999 by the Montreal based artist group The User and was shown at...

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Old Skool meets New Old Skool

So you spend your whole life training for a sporting event, you compete, and wow! you actually win something! So you have a medal ceremony and you cry...

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You've Gotta Love the Olympics

You’ve seen it in WIRED magazine and now it’s here at coin-op! Yes the Yellow Arrow project is making waves in NYC, LA, Chi town, and San ...

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Follow the Yellow Arrow

Floating Islands is a sound-light-installation originally deployed on Berlin’s river Spree that consists of 50 vacuum cleaners, plastic bottles ...

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Floating Vacuum Orchestra!

I bought this candy bar in Helsinki because I wanted to eat something that was called something it represents. Not that I pig out on candy bars all th...

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Eat it and Be It

(left: GRILLI Radio Tour, right: “Light Rain” Installation) Made it back from ISEA 2004 with lots to think about! Last nite we participate...

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Back From ISEA 2004

The WavePillow is a pillow that alerts surfers to the type of waves that are present on the beach in the morning. This way they can know whether to no...

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Ride The Bed

Here at ISEA 2004 in the exhibition at Kiasma is a project called Bubl Space which supposedly blocks all mobile phone signals around you to give you s...

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Kill Your Mobile Device

At the Kiasma show here in Helsinki for ISEA 2004, Pamela Jennings‘s Constructed Narratives project (pictured above at the opening) consists of ...

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Blocks Across Media

Made it to Helsinki after missing our ferry and only getting about 3 hours of sleep. Over the course of ISEA 2004 I think we’ve gotten about 20 ...

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ISEA 2004 – In Helsinki

Induction House by Aether Architecture “is a 5300 cm-pixel resolution 3d screen mounted in a 300X300X600 cm self-tensioned structure for mapping...

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Induction House

Here at ISEA 2004 on the super cool Silja Opera ferry cruise! It’s a huge ship with 3 clubs, 2 jacuzzis, 2 saunas, casino, Wi-Fi access, too muc...

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Rock the Boat!

Today Kaki and I led the DIY Wearable Challenge workshop here in Tallinn, Estonia at the Estonian Academy of Arts! It went really well with some great...

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DIY Wearable Challenge

Kaki and I head to ISEA today to lead two workshops called DIY Wearable Challenge. Katherine will also be exhibiting her wearable projects, Inside/Out...

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ISEA Bound

Researcher Andruid Kearne’s latest entry into the ACM Hypertext Conference has been censored by the conference chairs! ” Kerne created the...

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Shafted by the ACM man!

This suit makes you feel old. “The Third Age Suit restricts the mobility of the wearer to give them an appreciation of what it is like for patie...

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Wearing Your Age

This month’s Rebublican National Convention (RNC) will see a new kind of activist! With Moport, a site for generating and creating mobile phone ...

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RNC Phone Home

IM watching is a nice experiment in making a digital record of something you do anyways – which is know when your buddies are on and offline. Si...

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Watching Me Go Offline

1. Interesting graph of Bush’s approval rating vs. the terror alerts that were declared. A steady decline since 9/11. 2. Some press in the New Y...

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The London collective, Greyworld, have just completed their latest public display project called The Source. The Source is an eight storey high kineti...

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The Source

Me! I’m here in NYC for a few days hanging out and testing UMBRELLA.net – where it will be shown for the first time during the Spectropoli...

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Live from New York It's….

Here at the DIS 2004 we were trying to find out how to get on the Wifi network so we began to use the ad-hoc network function of our wireless cards to...

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SSID Messaging

Made it to Boston, where I will be speaking on panel called “Design for Hackability” at the Designing Interactive Systems conference! Toda...

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Check DIS out!

Report from DIS 2004 The Cambridge Marriot Boston, MA, USA August 1-4, 2003 By Jonah Brucker-Cohen The 5th bi-annual conference on Designing Interacti...

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Report from DIS 2004

I just (secretly) got a copy of the “banned words” from Dragon Systems’ “Naturally Speaking” speech to text software. It...

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The Words You Can't Speak

Cool stuff from O’Reilly, a magazine for tech projects called Make. Finally a magazine for wanna-be hackers and tinkerers! From their blurb: ...

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"Make" Yourself into a Nerd

Yesterday, we had 5 computers sharing Wi-Fi from a dial-up connection! Basically we created the worlds slowest wireless internet cafe! Therefore this ...

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Dial Up Net Cafe

“? fish, plant, rack ? allows the navigational electrical discharges of the virtually blind elephant fish ?gnathonemus petersi? to instruct the ...

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Fish Tank Technology

This is a great cross between late 90s net.art and early 2000’s office cubicle boredom. Oh and did I mention that this rules....

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Heading to Boston on Weds to speak at a panel called “Design for Hackability” the Designing Interactive Systems conference! Should be a fu...

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Design a Hack

Thanks to some good advice, I just changed this site so that the blog is the front page at coin-operated.com. I hope this works and there will be a fe...

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Making Changes

RSG and BEIGE‘s newest unusable hack is a new file compression system called Total Asshole Compression (TAC). Drag and drop a file into TAC and ...

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Total Asshole Compression

Tomorrow night, we will be performing SimpleTEXT to open the Garage Festival in Straslund, Germany! This is the seventh performance of the project tha...

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SimpleTEXT @ Garage!

(Nathaniel Stern presents his work) Last nite we had the 19th installment of DATA! Here is a picture of presenter Nathaniel Stern talking about his wo...

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DATA 19 – Recap!

Test your courage with this one-way mirror public toilet, a nice piece by LA-based artist Monica Bonvicini. I don’t know if I would use it but I...

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See Through Toilet

My physical hit counter,!Alerting Infrastructure! that destroys an organization’s real-world bulding when people visit its “virtual”...

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Destroy the Garage

(image from DorkBot event) Heading to Barcelona today where Kaki and I will be speaking at Dorkbot Barcelona on the 17th! Will add some pics to this p...

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Dorkbot BCN – revisted

Out of town for the next week will get back to this when I return! Meanwhile this interview with Frank Chu, leader of the Zegnatronic Rocket Society i...

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Been away….

I love it when people find ways around prize giveaways! Jesse Perry’s iTunes Countdown for Mac and PC sticks a counter in the menu bar showing h...

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Cheat Apple out of an iPod

Is it just me, or is the new Beastie Boys album wanna-be political?. I don’t remember these doods rapping about politics before, but with lyrics...

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Beastie Boys Bust The Gov't

Lots more social BlueTooth apps cropping up. BlueMonger is like Netstumbler for your mobile phone, telling you who is around you but then uploading th...

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Today is Katherine’s bday! She shares a b-day with Howard Rheingold, Michelle Kwan, Ringo Starr, and lots more people!...

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happy bday katherine!

Mogi, Item Hunt is a GPS game based in Japan that people play through their cellphones and hunt for treasure (gifts, flowers, etc) on a virtual map of...

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treasure GPS hunt

Anne-Marie Schleiner’s new urban gaming project, O.U.T., pits online gaming with urban graffiti on the streets of NYC during the Republican Nati...

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Gaming the Convention

The ERGODEX DX1 is a keyboard or game controller you can completely configure on your own. Imagine taking the keys off your keyboard and placing them ...

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DIY Keyboard

Happy 4th of July holiday to everyone back home! We miss you guys!...

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Happy 4th

The Location You @ Now is a group show in Beijing, China “based around a theme of physical and displaced presence through scavenged, recovered a...

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Location is Everything

Been updating work on our UMBRELLA.net project. On thursday we took the PocketPC application on field trials with 3 devices to check radio range and t...

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Usman Haque’s Sky Ear is back in action after it was cancelled last May due to inclement weather. The first date is next week! “Dates have...

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The Ear Flies Again

Kaki’s posts about all of the racism she has experienced in Dublin (esp. today and throughout the past 2 years) shows how messed up this country...

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Dublin Racism

Just finished documentation on my Forward Compatible project, a parastic physical object for a Wi-Fi or fixed router that monitors network traffic and...

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Forward Compatible

So I got this idea to do a small handheld project with iPaqs because they fit so nicely into the palm of your hand and you can travel around easily wi...

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Small Handheld Project

Gravity and Resistance is a new project by Japanese artists Seiko Mikami and Sota Ichikawa that combines a real-time, pressure sensor equipped floor a...

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What Goes Up…

LA-based artist, Brody Condon’s new work “Untitled War”, open this July and pits two medieval warriors in full armor, fighting (to t...

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Battle in the Gallery

This net cafe in Crete had a unique business plan. The more beer you drink, the more net access you get. As you get more drunk, you stay online longer...

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Beer Access